Tax ProgrammeWorkshop
2024 Virtual Workshop – CbC: Effective Use Of Country-By-Country Data2024.11.19~2024.11.21
The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre, in collaboration with the OECD and the China Tax Centre, hosted the OECD Global Relations Programme from November 19–21, 2024. The workshop, he...more
Competition ProgrammeWorkshop
Workshop on Competition in Digital Markets2024.11.18~2024.11.19
Day 1 Opening Remarks - Senior Representative from the Philippine Competition Commission - Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi (Senior Competition Expert, OECD) - Mr. Jongbae Park (Director...more
Public Governance ProgrammeWorkshop
Capacity Building Programme for Thailand2024.11.14~2024.11.15
The Public Governance Programme, OECD Digital Government and Data Unit and the Digital Government Development Agency of Thailand organised a Capacity Building P...more
Health and Social Policy ProgrammeExpert Meeting
The 8th Family Policy Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region2024.11.05~2024.11.06
1. Overview - Date: November 5 (Tue) – 6 (Wed), 2024 - Venue: President Hotel, Seoul - Organizers: OECD Korea Policy Centre, OECD - Participants: 22 experts from 9 A...more
Competition ProgrammeWorkshop
Workshop on Competition Economics2024.10.16~2024.10.17
Day 1 OPENING REMARKS - Mr. Mohammad Reza, Commissioner, KPPU - Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi (Senior Competition Expert, OECD) - Mr. Jongbae Park (Director General, OECD KPC Co...more
Competition ProgrammeSeminar
14th Competition Law Seminar for Asia-Pacific Judges2024.10.14~2024.10.15
Day 1 OPENING REMARKS - Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi (Senior Competition Expert, OECD) - Mr. Jongbae Park (Director General, OECD KPC Competition Programme) KEY ADDRESS - Dr...more
Health and Social Policy ProgrammeExpert Meeting
The 8th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Network on Access to Medicines Under Universal Health Coverage2024.09.25~2024.09.26
Meeting Summary (1) Title: The 8th Meeting on Access to Medicines under Universal Health Coverage in the Asia-Pacific Region (2) Date: 25 - 26 September 2024 (3)&n...more
Tax ProgrammeWorkshop
2024 Capacity Building Programme on BEPS, Transfer Pricing & the Two-Pillar Solution for the Tax Department, Ministry of Finance, Lao PDR2024.09.25~2024.09.27
The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre(KTC) organized the second session of the Capacity Building Program for the Lao PDR on “Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)...more
Tax ProgrammeWorkshop
OECD-ADB Joint Workshop on ISORA (International Survey on Revenue Administration) 20242024.09.03~2024.09.06
The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Centre, in collaboration with the OECD and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), organized a workshop on the International Survey on Revenue Administrat...more
Public Governance ProgrammeExpert Meeting
The First INDIGO Network on SEA2024.09.03~2024.09.05
The Public Governance Programme and the INDIGO Division of the OECD Public Governance Directorate co-hosted the first INDIGO Network in Seoul, Korea on September 3rd. The OECD Net...more