


About Centre Events Research and Publications Archive

About Centre

Tax Programme

  • History

    • May, 1997

      Establishment of the Korea-OECD Multilateral Tax Center (KTC)

    • September 12, 1997

      Initiation of operation of the Korea-Multilateral Tax Center

    • February 1, 2007

      Integration into the OECD/KOREA Policy Centre

- Exchange of Agreement between the Korean Minister of Finance and Economy and Secretary-General of the OECD

- Promulgation of “Regulations on the Establishment and Management of the Center” (No. 349, Ordinance of the Prime Minister)(August 9, 1997)

Major Functions

  • 1. Exchange information on international taxation among non-OECD economies in the Asian region

  • 2. Prevent tax-related frictions between countries through international tax seminars

  • 3. Conduct research and analysis on international taxation

  • 4. Participate in non-OECD economies programmed of the OECD

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Competition Programme

  • History

    • December 26, 2003

      Conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the OECD and the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) on the establishment of the OECD Regional Centre for Competition

    • February 20, 2004

      Enactment of the “Regulations for the Establishment and Operation of the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Asia” by the Government of Korea

    • April 19, 2004

      Initiation of the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Asia

    • February 1, 2007

      Integration into the OECD/KOREA Policy Centre

Major Functions

  • 1. Educate and train relevant government officials from non-OECD Asian countries on competition laws and policies

  • 2. Advise on policies on the introduction and reinforcement of competition laws for the non-OECD Asian countries

  • 3. Conduct research on major competition issues of common interest in Asia

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Public Governance Programme

  • History

    • April 19, 2005

      Conclusion of a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs and Secretary-General of the OECD

    • July 19, 2005

      Official inauguration and opening of an OECD Asia Centre for Public Governance

    • February 1, 2007

      Integrated into the OECD/KOREA Policy Centre

Major Functions

  • ◎ Hold or support public governance related international seminars to which with OECD member countries and non-member countries participate

  • ◎ Provide education or training for Asian public officials and private expertise in the public governance sector

  • ◎ Identify and disseminate policy experiences and trends in public governance of OECD member countries

  • ◎ Research and consultation on public governance sector of OECD member and non-member countries

  • ◎ Translate and publish public governance related material

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Health And Social Policy Programme

  • History

    • March, 2004

      OECD's proposal to the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare of establishing a Joint Korea/OECD Regional Centre on Health and Social Policy or holding a regular policy meeting

    • May 13, 2004

      Exchange of a Letter of Intent between the OECD and the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare to establish a Joint Korea/OECD Regional Centre on Health and Social Policy

    • March 31, 2005

      Conclusion of MOU between the OECD and the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare to establish the Centre

    • July 4, 2005

      Enactment of the “Rules on the Establishment and Management of the Joint Korea/OECD Regional Centre on Health and Social Policy” (Ordinance No 163, Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare)

    • September 9, 2005

      Initiation of the Joint Korea/OECD Regional Centre on Health and Social Policy

    • February 1, 2007

      Integration into the OECD/KOREA Policy Centre

Major Functions

  • 1. Operate educational programmes on Social Health and policy for public officials and private experts to enhance health and welfare systems in the Asian region

  • 2. Conduct research on major issues related to social policy sectors as agreed by both the OECD and the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare

  • 3. Translate OECD publications

  • 4. Build intellectual infrastructure in the social policy sectors of the Asian region by computing and accumulating statistical data on health and welfare.

  • 5. Provide policy dialogue between the OECD and Asian countries through advisory meetings, seminars, and workshops on social policy

Main Programmes

  • Health Statistics

    Health Care Quality Improvement Project

    • The Centre’s new work on health field focuses on improving the quality of care in in the Asian/Pacific Region. This work involves collaboration with the WHO.
    • FacilitatingOECD activities related to quality of care in Asia and Pacific region
    • Health Care Quality Indicator work and Research on quality of care in the region

    Health Statistics

    • The Centre’s work on health statistics focuses on developing health accounting systems to track health expenditures and financing flows in the Asian/Pacific Region. This work involves collaboration with the Asia-Pacific National Health Accounts Network
    • Health expenditure data, which provide detailed and relevant information on "Who gets what, where, and how", are especially important to meet the needs of health policy-makers and researchers. To respond to these needs, the OECD manual, A System of Health Accounts(SHA) provides a standard framework for producing a set of comprehensive, consistent and internationally comparable accounts.
    • Since the publication of the SHA Manual in 2000 by the OECD and the subsequent Producers Guide(WHO, World Bank and USAID, 2003), a number of OECD and non-OECD countries have undergone the implementation of SHA systems and produced SHA Tables.

    An Outline of SHA Implementation Projects

    • Since 2005, the Health Programme of the OECD/Korea Policy Centre has hosted annual Health Accounts Expert Meetings and engaged in several projects involving SHA data collection and the production of SHA Green Papers. The Centre has published 17 Green Papers on Bangladesh, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong SAR, Mongolia, Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia, India, Fiji, FSM, Indonesian and Comparative report.
  • Social Policies


    • In recent years, Asian countries have experienced drastic changes in social structure due to rapid economic development. This has led to growing needs for social policies that are responsive to those changes. In order to formulate and design such social policies, it is essential that data relevant to policy-making be available. The Health and Social Policy Programme of OECD/Korea Policy Centre has set up a project to develop and disseminate social indicators on Asian/Pacific economies.
    • Goal

      - To promote overall economic and social growths in Asian/Pacific region.

    • Objectives

      - Collect, accumulate, and share social data.

      - Provide training to the experts of Asian/Pacific countries on the production and use of social policy statistics.

    International Conference and Workshops

    • The goal of the international conferences and workshops is to help other Asian/Pacific countries build data collection capability,share data, and analyse social policies.
    • We hope to play an important part in achieving our goal of promoting economic growths and social welfare by hosting these events.

    Related Information

    • Social Expenditure Database (SOCX)

      - The OECD SOCX is a database that includes reliable and internationally comparable statistics on public and private social expenditure at programme level. SOCX provides a unique tool for monitoring trends in aggregate social expenditure and analysing changes in its composition.

      - Other relevant statistics are the Social Security Inquiry (SSI) of International Labour Organization(ILO)and Social Protection Index (SPI) of Asian Development Bank(ADB).

    • Society at a Glance (SaG)

      - SaG provides an overview of social trends and policies in 5 sets of indicators: General Context Indicators (GE), Self-sufficiency Indicators (SS), Equity Indicators (EQ), Health Indicators (HE), and Social Cohesion Indicators (CO).

      - These social indicators provide a broad perspective needed for any international comparison a nd assessment of social trends, outcomes,and related policies.

  • Pensions Analysis Project

    Pension Policy Analysis Project

    • The OECD developed a method of Analysis of Pension Entitlements across Countries (APEX) and produced three international pension policy comparison reports on OECD countries:

      - Pensions at a Glance

    • The OECD Social Policy Division has researched pension schemes in the Asia-Pacific countries in collaboration with the World Bank. The results were published in "Pensions at a Glance: ASIA PACIFIC" report.
    • We hold a pension experts' meeting every year, where international pension experts primarily from Asian-Pacific economies discuss and compare their countries' experiences and analyse their pension systems using the APEX method.

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