Competition ProgrammeWorkshop
Workshop on Energy and Competition Policy: 27-29 June, 20232023.06.27~2023.06.29
OECD Workshop Explores Competition Issues in Energy Markets Date: June 27-29, 2023 In a three-day workshop organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...more
Health and Social Policy ProgrammeExpert Meeting
The 7th Meeting on Access to Medicines under Universal Health Coverage in the Asia-Pacific Region2023.06.13~2023.06.14
Meeting Summary ㅁ Title: The 7th Meeting on Access to Medicines under Universal Health Coverage in the Asia-Pacific Region ㅁ Date: 13 - 14 June 2023 ㅁ Venue: The Leela Palace, New Delhi, India, Kor...more
Health and Social Policy ProgrammeExpert Meeting
The 17th Pension Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region2023.05.24~2023.05.25
The Health and Social Policy Programme at the OECD Korea Policy Centre (KPC), OECD, and National Pension Research Institute (NPRI) co-hosted the 17th Pension Experts Meeting in the Asia-Paci...more
Tax ProgrammeWorkshop
Online OECD Tax Workshop (May): Global Minimum Tax2023.05.23~2023.05.25
The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre organized an online international tax workshop via Zoom on May 23-25 (Tuesday-Thursday, 16:00-18:00), 2023, in collaboration with the OECD and the Mal...more
Health and Social Policy ProgrammeCapacity-Building
The 9th Public Pension International Training Program in the Asia-Pacific Region 2023.05.23~2023.05.26
The Health and Social Policy Programme at the OECD Korea Policy Centre (KPC), the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the National Pension Service (NPS), and UNESCAP co-organized the 9th ...more
Competition ProgrammeWorkshop
Workshop on Market Definition and abuse of Dominance: 9-11 May, 20232023.05.09~2023.05.11
Competition Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre Hosts OECD Workshop on Combating Abuse of Dominance in the Asia-Pacific Region Seoul, Korea - Over the course of three days, the OECD/KPC wor...more
Competition ProgrammeWorkshop
Workshop on Digital Platform Markets2023.03.08~2023.03.10
Virtual Workshop Addressing Competition Challenges in the Digital Economy Date: March 8-10, 2023 In a bid to tackle the pressing competition issues arising in the ever-ev...more
Tax ProgrammeWorkshop
Online OECD Tax Workshop (March): Tax Incentives and GloBE Rules2023.03.06
The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre, in collaboration with the OECD and the OECD Malaysia Tax Center, held an online international tax workshop via Zoom on March 6th, 2023 (Monday, 17:00...more
Health and Social Policy ProgrammeExpert Meeting
The 6th Family Policy Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region 2022.11.29
The Health and Social Policy Programme at the OECD Korea Policy Centre (KPC) and OECD co-organized the 6th Family Policy Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region on 29 December 2023 online...more
Tax ProgrammeCapacity-Building
Knowledge Exchange and Training Programme for the Tax Administration of the Republic of Serbia2022.11.24~2022.11.25
The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre (KPC) hosted Knowledge Exchange Training Programme (KETP) for the tax officers of the Tax Administration of the Republic of Serbia in Belgra...more