Tax ProgrammeResearch
[Research Work] International Taxation Trend Report Issue 1, Feb. 2009 (Korean Version)2009.03.05
International Taxation Trend Report Issue 1, Feb. 2009 (Korean Version) was published by the Tax Programme. Please the attached document.more
Tax ProgrammeResearch
Korean Taxation 20082009.02.19
"Korean Taxation 2008" published by Ministry of Strategy & Finance. Please see attached document.more
Public Governance ProgrammeResearch
The 3rd Multi-country Study Mission, 20082008.12.31
Participating Nations : Cambodia, China, Mongolia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Lestemore
Public Governance ProgrammeResearch
The 2nd Multi-country Study Mission, 20072008.08.13
Participating Nations :Cambodia, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Lestemore
Tax ProgrammeResearch
Brief on International Taxation 20082008.08.12
Brief on International Taxation_2008...to be published.more
Public Governance ProgrammeResearch
The 1st Multi-country Study Mission, 20062008.08.11
Participating Nations :Cambodia, India, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailandmore
Competition ProgrammeResearch
A Comparative Study on Competition Law Enforcement in Asia2008.07.18
[A Comparative Study on Competition Law Enforcement in Asia] ㅁCo-Authors : - Research Conductor : Korea Institute of Technology and the Law- Director : Kyung Han Sohn- Professor : Myung Soo...more
Health and Social Policy ProgrammeResearch
Developing a Training Program and Establishing an Expert Network on Social Accounts and Social Indicators in Asia Pacific Nations2006.12.31
Asia pacific nations are experiencing rapid social change coincided with their dynamic economic growth. In line with information need for change and development of social policy is also on the increas...more