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Policy Trends 2018-10-31
1. Entry point - Editorial Note
2. News from Asia-Pacific Competition Authorities
- ASEAN : OECD Starts Project with ASEAN
- Australia : Recent Cartel Prosecutions by the ACCC
- Japan : JFTC Closes Its Investigation into Apple Inc. after Agreement to Amend Anti-Competitive Contract Clauses Relating to Subsidies
- Korea :Korea Fair Trade Commission Hosted the 10th Seoul International Competition Forum on Sept. 13, 2018 at Shilla Hotel, Seoul
- Indonesia : Garlic Cartel Penalties Upheld by the Supreme Court
- Singapore: Grab-Uber Merger: CCCS Imposes Directions and Financial Penalties
- Vietnam: Towards a More Effects-Based Approach: the Recent Reform of Competition Law in Vietnam
3. Summary of OECD/KPC Competition Workshops
- OECD/KPC-ICN Workshop on Competition Economics for Chief and Senior Economists
4. Primers on Competition Law for ASEAN Judges
5. 2018 Global Forum on Competition
6. OECD/KPC Competition Programme 2018