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Research Publications Competition Policy Trends Family Database in the Asia-Pacfic Region Links
Publications 2018-05-25
The last few years have seen the remarkable rise of competition law in the Asia-Pacific region, so that at this moment in time the vast majority of jurisdictions in this geographic area are already equipped with modern competition laws. This means that whilst there are some very experienced agencies in the region, such as Australia, Korea, Japan or New Zealand, that have had a strong record of competition enforcement for many years, there are also many newcomers to the field – in particular in the ASEAN area, but also beyond. This Guide aims to provide an overview of the competition laws in 22 selected jurisdictions in the Asia Pacific region, including not only the legal provisions but also data on the actual enforcement of these rules. Whilst an attempt has been made to include as many jurisdictions from the region as possible, some jurisdictions are not included as they do not yet have competition authorities in place and/or have no legislation translated into English (e.g., Laos PDR).
This Guide identifies and describes some of the main aspects of an anti-trust system for each of the jurisdictions, presents the goals of each competition regime, the main elements of the competition agency responsible for an economy wide enforcement, its investigation powers, the powers to sanction and to accept remedies, and takes stock of the practice via statistics for each enforcement instrument.
The current Guide is the result of this fruitful joint venture between the OECD and the Korea Policy Centre, pooling resources to take stock, through research and close co-operation with all the competition agencies, of the competition laws and practices across the Asia Pacific region.