


About Centre Events Research and Publications Archive

Research and Publications

Asia-Pacific Competition Update (Issue 14)


1. Entry Point - Editorial Note


2. News from Asia-Pacific Competition Authorities
Philippines: Competition Act adopted
Chinese Taipei: Sets up anti-trust fund
Hong Kong : Competition Ordinance to come into full effect
Korea: Two major cases in 2015
Lao PDR: Draft Business Competition Law discussed in the National Assembly
Indonesia: KPPU announced their new leadership


3. OECD/KPC Competition Workshops
Workshop on Fighting Bid Rigging in April 2015, Manila, the Philippines
- Summary of Workshop
- Pakistan’s Experience with Bid Rigging in Public Procurement
- Bid-rigging and Procurement: The Philippines experience

Leader's Seminar on Competition Advocacy in June 2015, Singapore
- Summary of Workshop
- Competition Advocacy–Experience of Chinese Taipei
- Competition Advocacy – Pakistan’s Experience
- GIZ’s Experiences in Promoting Fair Competition in ASEAN


4. OECD Competition Committee Meetings and Etc.
Roundtable on Competition Issues in Liner Shipping
Hearing on Auctions and Tenders
Roundtable on Public and Private Antitrust Enforcement in Competition
Hearing on Disruptive Innovation
Hearing on Oligopoly Markets
Workshop on ex-post evaluation of enforcement decisions by competition authorities


5. Calendar of Event 2015


6. Photo Gallery

Competitoin Programme 2018