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Capacity-Building 2023-05-23~2023-05-26
The Health and Social Policy Programme at the OECD Korea Policy Centre (KPC), the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the National Pension Service (NPS), and UNESCAP co-organized the 9th Public Pension International Training in the Asia-Pacific Region on 16-17 May (online) and 23-26 May 2023 (in-person in Seoul and Jeonju, South Korea) for six days.
With its aim to share knowhow of the South Korean National Pension Service, extend international social security agreements, and contribute to the pension system in the Asia-Pacific Region, this year's training covered eight topics ranging from general introduction of the pension scheme (coverage/extension, qualification/contribution, benefits calculation) to public pension reform, pension fund management, customer service, ICT, and social security agreements. Also, NPS staff provided consulting as the participants presented challenges of the pension systems in their respective countries and possible solutions. The programme also included on-site visits (NPS Investment Management and ICT Center), cultural events (fan-making and a visit to Hanok Village), working-level meeting, and discussions for future collaboration.
The event was attended by more than fifty participants: fourteen public servants attended in-person from five countries, including Cambodia (National Social Security Fund), Indonesia (BPJS), Malaysia (Employee Provident Fund), Thailand (Social Security Office), Vietnam (Vietnam Social Security) and fifty-three online participants from Thailand's Chulalongkorn University and Government Pension Fund in addition to the five institutions above.