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OECD/KPC/OTCC – building a cartel enforcement regime

OECD/KPC/OTCC – building a cartel enforcement regime


From 9-12 November the OECD/KPC organised a 4-day 12-hour webinar moderated by Ruben Maximiano and Wouter Meester. It explored the main issues that the Thai Competition authority – the OTCC, needs to consider in order to build an effective cartel regime. This was a capacity building programme also part of the OECD-Thailand Country Programme. The webinar included the main legal challenges as seen by a senior judge from the Supreme Court of Thailand, to screening and detecting, as well as designing an effective leniency regime. Finally, the role of sanctions was also explored. The webinar benefited from presentations from the OECD -  from Ruben Maximiano, Wouter Meester, Sophie Flaherty, Gaetano Lapenta and Leni Papa, as well as from the Australian ACCC, European Commission, Korean KFTC, Portuguese Competition Authority, Singapore’s CCCS.

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