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Workshop on Competitive Neutrality

Virtual Conference by OECD Explores Competitive Neutrality and Competition Policy


From October 4th to 7th, 2021, the OECD orchestrated an insightful online symposium, shedding light on competitive neutrality and its impact on competition policy. Eminent experts and practitioners converged virtually to delve into these pertinent topics.


Day 1 commenced with the inauguration of the Zoom waiting room, followed by warm welcoming remarks by Mr. Ruben Maximiano, Senior Competition Expert at OECD, and Mr. Jungwon Song, Director General of OECD/KPC Competition Programme.

The agenda delved into a range of subjects, including an overview of competitive neutrality policy and practice, presented by Mr. Ruben Maximiano. The session unfolded with discussions on the intersection of competition and the state by Mr. Thomas Cheng from Hong Kong University. Further insights were provided into the economics of state support by Mr. Lluís Saurí Romero, Head of Unit, Chief Economist Team at the European Commission.


Day 2 brought forth examinations of state aid and competition distortions, including remedies, illuminated by Mr. Dimitrios Magos and Mr. Fabrizio Spargoli from the European Commission. The event also featured advocacy discussions led by Mr. Matteo Giangaspero from OECD.


The conference concluded on Day 3 with analysis of the new executive order on competition and the economy in the US, led by Ms. Karina B. Lubell from the US DOJ. The event's finale included Mr. Ruben Maximiano's insights into competition, competitive neutrality, and economic recovery.


The event provided a comprehensive platform for attendees to explore the complex interplay of competitive neutrality and competition policy, fostering valuable knowledge exchange and discourse.

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