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Workshop 2023-06-27~2023-06-29
OECD Workshop Explores Competition Issues in Energy Markets
Date: June 27-29, 2023
In a three-day workshop organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the OECD/Korea Policy Centre (KPC), experts and industry leaders gathered virtually to delve into the competition challenges faced by energy markets. The workshop, held from June 27 to June 29, focused on analyzing various aspects of competition policy and regulation in the energy sector.
Day 1 - Tuesday, June 27, 2023:
The event commenced with a welcoming address by Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi, Senior Competition Expert and Regional Manager at the OECD, and Mr. Hotae Kim, Director General of the OECD/KPC Competition Programme. They set the stage for an insightful discussion on competition issues in the energy sector.
Ms. Mary Starks, a Partner at Flint Global, provided an overview of the competition issues prevalent in the energy market. Her expertise shed light on the complexities and challenges faced by industry stakeholders.
Furthermore, Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi, the Senior Competition Expert at the OECD, explored the intricate relationship between competition and regulation in energy markets, highlighting the need for a balanced approach.
The session continued with a presentation by Ms. Maria Pilar Canedo, a member of the board of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) in Spain. Ms. Canedo shared valuable insights into the specific competition landscape in Spain's energy sector.
Day 2 - Wednesday, June 28, 2023:
On the second day of the workshop, Mr. Christoph Frisch, Rapporteur in the 8th Decision Division at the Bundeskartellamt in Germany, discussed the importance of market studies in assessing competition in energy markets. His expertise offered attendees valuable insights into the role of market studies in identifying and addressing potential anti-competitive practices.
Mr. Mark McLeish, General Manager of the Electricity Markets Branch at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), presented on the topic of advocacy in energy markets. He emphasized the role of advocacy in promoting fair competition and ensuring consumer welfare.
The session then shifted focus to the practices observed in the region, with Mr. Jihong Son from the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) presenting insights into energy markets in Korea.
Day 3 - Thursday, June 29, 2023:
The final day of the workshop delved into the topic of abuse of dominance in energy markets. Ms. Marieke Scholz, Head of Unit for Antitrust, Energy & Environment at the European Union Directorate-General for Competition, provided an in-depth analysis of this critical issue. Her presentation shed light on the regulatory efforts to address abusive practices and maintain a level playing field in the energy sector.
Mr. Ridho Pamungkas, the Head of Representative Office I at the Indonesia Competition Commission, shared practices from the region, providing attendees with valuable insights into competition policies in Indonesia's energy market.
The workshop concluded with closing remarks from Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi, the Senior Competition Expert and Regional Manager at the OECD, and Mr. Hotae Kim, the Director General of the OECD/KPC Competition Programme. They expressed their gratitude to the participants for their valuable contributions and emphasized the significance of continued collaboration in addressing competition challenges in the energy sector.
The OECD workshop served as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration among international experts, fostering a better understanding of competition issues and policy solutions in the ever-evolving energy markets.