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Expert Meeting 2022-11-29~2022-11-29
The Health and Social Policy Programme at the OECD Korea Policy Centre (KPC) and OECD co-organized the 6th Family Policy Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region on 29 December 2023 online.
With its agenda "Family Database in the Asia-Pacific Region," the attendees shared an overview of the ongoing research project, its current status and relevant policy trends of the OECD member countries and Asia Pacific countries. In particular, comparability issues between the OECD data and Asia-Pacific country data were discussed given the differences in family cultures and index definitions in addition to the experienced difficulties due to the limited capability of state statistical institutions and the halt of data collection during the pandemic.
The attendees included experts from OECD's Directorate for Employment, Labour, and Social Affairs (Willem Adema, Maxime Ladaique, Pauline Fron, Jonas Fluchtmann), the Korea Institue of Health and Social Affairs (Yoonjeong Shin), and other national research institutes, university research centres, and statistic bureaus in nine countries (China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam).