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Signing A Letter of Intent(LOI) with CATA





The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administration (CATA) at the 37th CATA  Annual Technical Conference held in Barbados.


The Tax Programme of the OECD Korea Policy Centre and the CATA have agreed upon the cooperative perspective in the Asia Pacific region and also shared project ideas in the coming year 2017. They have discussed procedures regarding how two organization can collaborate to strengthen the relationship in order to enhance the capability of tax official from the Asia Pacific countries, especially highlighting Commonwealth countries in this region. Both agencies will be expected to design strategies and create stronger ties for forging ahead.


Also, the conference has brought heads of tax administrations and technical officials from representatives of international organization and the business community. The theme for this conference was ‘Enhancing Tax Compliance through Strategic Alliances’. The conference has provided an opportunity to share and discuss administration’s compliance experiences.


Regional Meeting of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS for the Asia-Pacific Region The 97th Tax Seminar on Tax Administration of SMEs