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2015 APG Conference on Public-Private Partnerships

1st Asian Public Governance Conference on Public-Private Partnerships
The Public Governance Programme (PGP) of OECD KOREA Policy Centre, in collaboration with the Directorate for PublicGovernance and Territorial Development of OECD and Korea Legislation Research Institute, organized the Asian Public Governance (APG) Conference on Public-Private Partnerships, which was held in Seoul, Korea on 26 November2015. The purpose of the conference was to provide an open andparticipatory platform (a) to exchange experiences and discuss on the benefitsand limitations of PPP projects in their countries and (b) to gain understanding of current status and trends of innovative public-private partnership from the dissemination of recent researches on PPP as well asshared experiences from Asia-Pacific countries. Through a participatory approach that includes a series of presentations and discussions in plenary, participants were invited to ask questions and discuss the session topics on public-private partnership.
09:30 – 10:00     OPENING SESSION &
Opening Remarks (5 min)
•     Mr. Deok-soo Park, Director General of Public Governance Programme, OECD KOREA Policy Centre
Congratulatory Remarks (15 min)
•     Mr. Hong-tack Chun, Executive Secretary, OECD KOREA Policy Centre
•     Mr. Won Lee, President of Korea Legislation Research Institute, Republic of Korea
Overview of the Main Achievements of the Public Governance Programme (10 min)
•     Mr. Bum-seok Kong, Director of Public Governance Programme, OECD KOREA Policy Centre 
10:00 – 10:15     PHOTO & BREAK
10:15 – 11:30    SESSION 1 : Developing PPP Framework – Where to start and what should be considered?
It's a growth, trade and development enabling, countercyclical policy measure, but it’s not easy to get right. It can be delivered in many ways with careful considerations. Let us hear and discuss emerging issues and trends to be considered in developing PPP framework as well as country experience on their approaches and experiences for further discussion.
Speakers (50 min)
•     Mr. Ian Hawkesworth, Acting Head of Budgeting and Public Expenditures, Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD
•     Mr. Chang-gue Lim, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Office, Korea Social Investment, Republic of Korea
Discussion (25 min) 
11:30 – 11:45   BREAK  
11:45 – 13:00  SESSION 2 : Fostering an Enabling Environment for PPPs – What makes it attractive?
A successful PPP program that delivers good projects requires strong private sector interest. Some countries are more successful than others in generating such interest. This session investigates the efforts made by the governments to provide a reliable, attractive PPP framework that addresses the private sector’s needs and requirements and their insights in attracting the private side of the PPP.
Speakers (50 min)
•     Mr. Bekmurat Talipov, Head of Strategy, Kazakhstan PPP Center, Kazakhstan
•     Mr. Eddie Razak, Executive Vice President, Social Innovation, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia, Malaysia
Discussion (25 min) 
13:00 – 14:30  LUNCH
14:30 – 15:45  SESSIONS 3 : Maintaining Value for Money and Managing Fiscal Risks
Since the mid-1990s, governments faced with limited financial resources turned their attention to PPPs in order to meet the demands of citizens expecting better public services. While it is still up for debate, PPPs are considered to deliver better value for money than the other alternatives. Let us hear and discuss how the decision-makers take the elements of affordability, value for money and fiscal risks into account and how PPPs are accounted for and treated in the national budget.
Speakers (50 min)
•     Mr. Tony Rose, Infrastructure Director, Scottish Futures Trust, United Kingdom
•     Mr. Tran Viet Dzung, Head of PPP Office, Public Procurement Agency, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam
Discussion (25 min) 
15:45 – 16:00  BREAK
16:00 – 17:15   SESSIONS 4 : Improving the Institutional Structure and Legal Framework for PPP
While there is a lack of clear and coherent model for national legislation for PPP projects, a legislative framework for PPP project allows policy outcomes to be articulated, achieved and monitored. This session elaborates how countries addressed obstacles for effective PPPs as well as improving internal processes at the national level.
Speakers (50 min)
•     Mr. Fuguo Cao, Director, China Institute of Public Procurement, Central University of Finance and Economics, People’s Republic of China
•     Ms. Ji-yeon Choi, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Legislation Research Institute, Republic of Korea
Discussion (25 min) 
17:15 – 17:25   BREAK
17:25 – 18:00  CLOSING SESSION
Summary of the Sessions (10 min)
  • Mr. Ian Hawkesworth, Acting Head of Budgeting and Public Expenditures, Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD
Takeaways from the Conference & Future Works (20 min)
  • Mr. Kyaw Win Tun, Chief Information Officer / Deputy Director, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, Myanmar
  • Ms. Eva Benita A. Tuzon, Director of Pilot Projects Division, Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP)
Closing Remarks (5 min)
  • Mr. Deok-soo Park, Director General of Public Governance Programme, OECD KOREA Policy Centre
18:30 – 20:00  DINNER
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