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The Asia-Pacific Techinical Meeting on BEPS

On 11-12 November 2015, the first Asia-Pacific Technical Meeting on the BEPS project was in Yogyakarta by the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with the OECD Korea Policy Centre (Tax Programme).


This event has discussed the outcomes of the BEPS project and the challenges that countries face in the region when implementing the BEPS project. Participants and experts have also explored how countries in the region can engage in the implementation, on-going development, and monitoring of the measures adopted on an equal footing.


Around 75 participants have attended the meeting representing 17 different economies in addition to officials from various international organizations. These technical experts have provided feedback on the delivery of the BEPS actions, shared areas of priority for their countries, planed engagement and projects, and described the challenges ahead.


The topics include as follows

- The BEPS final deliverables: an overview

- Overview on Toolkits for implementation

- Report on Tax Incentives and Effective and Efficient Use of Tax Incentives for Investment

- Toolkits on the lack of comparable data and transfer pricing documentation

- Report on indirect transfer of assets


The 90th Tax Seminar on BEPS: Train the Trainers on Transfer Pricing The 89th Tax Seminar on Transfer Pricing Documentation, Risk Assessment and Safe Harbours