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2015 5th Competition Workshop



Once a year, the OECD-KPC organises a workshop exclusively for judges from the Asia Pacific Region. This year’s event took place in Busan, Korea from 13-15 October 2015. This was the fth workshop for judges of the Competition Programme and provided participating judges with an opportunity to explore in greater depth the economic principles underlying competition cases, the methods used by economists, and the application of competition economics in cases before the courts. This year’s workshop focused on cases of abuse of dominance as well as in mergers. 



The goals of the Workshop were to engage discussion amongst judges and between judges and experienced economists as well as make judges more familiar with economic concepts and theories as well as to be more con dent when presented with economic based arguments, and to communicate effectively with economic court experts and economic expert witnesses, in the context of competition cases. 




This year the workshop benefited from the active participation of judges and economic court experts from Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Philippines, Spain, Thailand, and the United Kingdom.

2015 6th Competition Workshop 2015 4th Competition Workshop