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IFA Korea & OECD Korea Policy Centre Joint International Tax Conference


The OECD Korea Policy Centre (Tax Programme) has collaborated with the International Fiscal Association (IFA) Korea to host the joint international tax conference. This workshop has been held in Seoul, Korea on 19th of June in 2015 and focused on the key priority subjects regarding the BEPS project.


This event has covered the recent development and issues of the G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting(BEPS) project. Participants from private sectors, related agencies and government organization joined the seminar to discuss issues and share different perspectives of the project. Also, experts from the OECD and its member countries were invited to lead discussions and give lectures regarding the selected issues of the BEPS.


Here are the two main topics discussed during the seminar

- An overview of the BEPS work and treaty abuse issues

- Prevent Artificial Avoidance of PE status


Also, participants and experts have given the opportunities to broaden their views and understand challenges faced by different sectors. Accordingly, everyone has agreed upon how the cooperation between these sectors have been highlighted in order to counter the BEPS.


The Bilateral Programme with the General Department of Taxation, Mongolia The 88th Tax Seminar on The Application of Tax Treaties: Special Issues