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The 86th Tax Seminar on Transfer Pricing and Custom Valuation (OECD-WCO) (Plan)

Transfer Pricing and Custom Valuation (OECD-WCO)




□ Schedule : 2014.11.24(Mon)~2014.11.29(Sat) (Venue : Jeju)



□ Topic : Transfer Pricing and Custom Valuation (OECD-WCO)



□ Participating Nations : Asian-Pacific 20 Countries



□ Main Issues



The workshop will explore how Customs and Revenue authorities can work together to improve taxpayer compliance with regimes and provide taxpayers with a more joined-up and consistent approach.  Through the use of case-studies, the workshop will consider the processes countries have in place for the administration of their Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing regimes, and explore how the two regimes might co-operate to support compliance and ensure consistency of approach. 


This event will be held in partnership between the OECD, the World Customs Organisation (WCO), and World Bank/IFC, and is a result of recent initiatives by the OECD and WCO to encourage closer alignment between customs valuation and transfer pricing, and enhanced co-operation between Revenue and Customs authorities.  The event will be open to officials from Revenue and Customs authorities. 



Target audience: Officials from country Revenue and Customs authorities with prior knowledge of transfer pricing and customs valuation. 

The 88th Tax Seminar on The Application of Tax Treaties: Special Issues The 85th OECD Tax Seminar on Corporate Income Tax Workshop (Plan)