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The 11th OECD-ASEAN Seminar on Taxation of High Net Worth Individuals (Plan)

Taxation of High Net Worth Individuals


□ Schedule : 2014.04.28(Mon)~2014.05.03(Sat) (Venue : Seoul Centermark Hotel)



□ Topic : Taxation of High Net Worth Individuals



□ Participating Nations : Asian-Pacific 20 Countries



□ Main Issues


High net worth individuals (HNWI) pose significant challenges to tax administrations because of the complexity of their affairs, their revenue contribution, the opportunity for aggressive tax planning (ATP) and the impact of their compliance behaviour on the integrity of the tax system. The Forum on Tax Administration has developed comparative work on strategies used by revenue authorities and reached the conclusion that by focussing resources on the HNWI segment, significant improvements in compliance can be achieved. This event examines current practice in order to discuss strategies of revenue authorities for engaging with HNWI in tax compliance. 



Target audience: Officials from Ministries of Finance and Tax Administrations who deal with designing and implementing systems for tax administration. 

The 12th OECD-ASEAN Seminar on Comprehensive Approach to Tax Treaties (Plan) The 82nd OECD Tax Seminar on Income Tax Workshop