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KTC-IFA Korea Joint International Tax Conference

KTC-IFA Korea Joint International Tax Conference

(14 June, 2013, Conference Hall, Korea Federation of Banks]





 The Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre (Director General: CHO, Kyu Bum) hosted the Joint International Tax Conference with IFA Korea on 15 June, 2013 at the Korea Federation of Banks. This public conference ended in great success with around 100 experts from Korea and abroad who participated to discuss the OECD Model Tax Convention and the latest international tax issues.




Main Issues of the Conference

 Many Korean experts in the field of international taxation including the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants and around 30 tax officials from the Asia-Pacific region joined in this public conference. Active discussions were followed by presentations on the recent trends of the OECD Model Tax Convention and tax treatments of hybrid entities. Participants shared their views on appropriateness of permanent establishment concept and further directions for revision. And issues such as tax treatments of hybrid entities, which are the main challenges in double taxation and the related court decisions as well as tax law revisions were discussed in depth.

ㅇ Currently, not only Korea but also many countries like the U.K and Germany are paying a great attention to international tax issues. This conference has served as a good opportunity for participants to share the latest issues and cases and hear experts' opinions on reasonable ways for improvement.



ㅇ Mr. Cho, Kyu Bum, Director General of Tax Programme said,

“ this conference will provide a precious opportunity for the OECD, academics, private practitioners and the government to have an interactive discussion on the global tax issue and their participation will raise understanding of tax issues which will be a great help in advancement of tax systems in the future. "




Tax Programme, OECD Korea Policy Centre

OECD Advisory Group / Task Force on Tax and Development The Public Session of the Workshop on "The Interface of Transfer Pricing & Customs Valuation"