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The 6th OECD-ASEAN Tax Seminar on Transfer Pricing

The 6th OECD-ASEAN Tax Seminar on "Transfer Pricing"

(2011.10.17 ~ 22, Noblesse A Hall, Prima Hotel)



□ The Tax Programme hosted the 6th OECD-ASEAN Tax Seminar on Transfer Pricing for six days

    from October 17 (Monday) to 22 (Saturday), 2011 in Noblesse A Hall, Prima Hotel (Located in

    Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu). 



□ Mr. Colin Cleavy, Principal Administrator of the CTPA, OECD HQ, Mr. Matthew Hartman

    (IBC,USA), Ms. Hatsidmitris Arotia (IBFD) and Mr. Nobuaki Izawa (NTA, Japan) participated as

    experts. 20 tax officials from 11 non-OECD economies in the Asia-Pacific region including

    three Korean officials of the NTS participated in the seminar. 



     ㅇ The seminar was conducted with lectures on background of transfer pricing and OECD Guidelines

         followed by in-depth discussions.



Main Contents

□ The main contents which were discussed during the seminar are as follows:

     ㅇ Introduction to transfer pricing and methods

     ㅇ Genovia Concrete example and case study

     ㅇ Case presentation and discussion on cutting edge examples

     ㅇ Transfer pricing and services

     ㅇ Case study on services

     ㅇ Transfer pricing and intangibles

     ㅇ Recent trends and others





     ㅇ Participants’ responses to the lectures by Ms. Arcotia, Head of the IBFD were very positive because she

         explained very easily for participants to understand with various cases and theories.





 Study Tour



□ Introduction of Korean culture and history by Ms. Aejin(Michelle) Ahn, communication officer

    was useful time to learn more about Korean history and culture. This presentation on Korean

    culture and history has been carried out for the last five years



     ㅇ Participants who were first to visit in Korea were interested in visiting historical sites such as palaces.

         Study and city tour provided a good opportunity to enhance image of Korea to all participants.







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