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The 70th OECD Tax Seminar on International Tax Avoidance

The 70th OECD Tax Seminr on "International Tax Avoidance"

(2011. 8.22 ~ 27, Noblesse A Hall, Prima Hotel)





□ The Tax Programme hosted the 70th OECD Tax Seminar on International Tax Avoidance for six

    days from August 22 (Monday) to 27 (Saturday), 2011 in Noblesse A Hall, Prima Hotel (Located

    in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu).

□ Mr. Raffaele Russo and Ms. Carine Stoffels from the OECD HQ , and Ms. Emanuela Santoro

    from the IBFD participated as experts and 26 tax officials from 15 non-OECD economies in the

    Asia-Pacific region participated in the seminar.

    ㅇ Conditions of tax avoidance and tax evasion in the field of international trading by small and medium

        sized companies and ways to deal with these problems were discusses during the seminar.





 Main Contents


□ The main contents which were discussed during the seminar are as follows:

     ㅇ Definition and differences among tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion

     ㅇ Setting the ground rules: Definition and trends of fair trade principle

     ㅇ Supply chain management, OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines

     ㅇ Financing Techniques (Intra-group financing, low tax countries)

     ㅇ Case studies and presentation by participants’ countries

     ㅇ Definition of tax heaven

     ㅇ Anti-avoidance measures relevant for financing techniques

     ㅇ Anti-avoidance measures relevant for holding structure

     ㅇ Case presentation by each country







     ㅇ All the participants shared information and discussed on issues including international tax avoidance,

         tax heaven and measures to deal with these problems.








Study Tour to Seoul Tower, Samsung Electronics and Historical Sites





□ All the participants visited Samsung Electronics and experienced Korea’s IT advancement.





□ They all had an opportunity to experience Korean culture and history by visiting a palace

    museum and Gyeongbok Palace.




 Special Lecture for Officials Who are Responsible for Offshore Tax Evasion in the GDT


     ㅇ Mr. Russo, and Ms. Stoffels carried out a special lecture for officials who are responsible for offshore

         tax evasion and international trading in the GDT





The 71st OECD Tax Seminar on Tax Policy Analysis The 5th OECD-ASEAN Tax Seminar on Auditing MNEs