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The 1st Joint OECD Korea Policy Centre-APNHAN Meeting of Regional Health



   Title: The 1st Joint OECD Korea Policy Centre-APNHAN Meeting of Regional Health Accounts Experts
 Date: 5-6 December 2005
 Venue: Olympia Hotel in Seoul, Korea
 Hosted by OECD, OECD Korea Policy Centre (Health and Social Policy Programme), APNHAN (Asian Pacific National
       Health Account Network)
 Participating parties: 31 participants from 19 countries and 3 organisations
 OECD member countries in Asia-Pacific :Korea, Australia, Japan
 Non-OECD member countries: Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong SAR, Chinese Taipei, India, Malaysia, Mongolia,
         Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand
 International Organizations: OECD, WHO, WHO/WPRO(Viet Nam), World Bank, Ellison Institute
 Other Organizations & Observer : Ministry of Health & Welfare
  Programme Summary

   DAY 1 (2005. 12. 5)

A.M.: Chair - Alejandro N. Herrin (Phillippine)
     1. Welcome remarks by Hur Yong( MOHW), Ravi Rannan-Eliya(APNHAN),
     2. Welcome by Director of OECD Korea Policy Centre Health & Social Policy Programme and brief introduction
     3. Review of current status of health accounts in OECD and non-OECD countries in Asia-Pacific region
       - Presentations by Peter Scherer (OECD), Patricia Hernandez (WHO), Ravi Rannan-Eliya (APNHAN)
     4. The current activities and agenda of WHO/WPRO, Ellison, WB-South Asia, and WB-East Asia
       - Presentations by WHO/WPRO, Ellison, WB-South Asia, and WB-East Asia
     5. Status of health accounts in countries I
       - Presentation by Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong SAR, Mongolia, VietNam

     P.M.: Chair - Peter Sherer(OECD)

     6. Status of health accounts in countries I
       - Presentations by China, Chinese Taipei, India, Japan, Korea
     7. status of health accounts in countries III
       - Presentations by Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Thailand
Discussion of current problems and issues in compiling Health Accounts data at regional level

 DAY 2 (2005. 12. 6)

     A.M.: Chair - Gabriel Leung(Hong-Kong SAR)
     9. OECD-Eurostat-WHO joint data collection effort and proposal for applying the same questionnaire in Asia-Pacific

    P.M.: Chair - Loraine Hawkins(WB)

     10. Short summary and observations on meeting
       - Presentations by Peter Scherer
     11. Special topics
       - Presentation by Japan - pharmaceuticals)
     12. OOP methods
       - Presentation by Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong SAR, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea



Meeting on Social Indicators (SIs) and Social Accounting