
메뉴 리스트


센터정보 국제행사 연구발간물 자료실


Comparative Studies for Better Governance in Asian Countries

* 내용

-목 차-
The What and How of Innovations in the Public Sector
- Hunmin Kim (Ewha Womans University) / 009
Performance Measurement in Asia: Measurement, Tools, and Practices
- M. Jae Moon (Yonsei University) & Richard M. Walker (University of Hong Kong) / 045
IT and Governance: E-Governance in Major Asian Countries
- Whasun Jho (Yonsei University) and Kyungjae Song (Kyung Hee University) / 093
Training Systems for Civil Servants: A Comparative Study for Asian Countries
- Jin Park (KDI School of Public Policy and Management) / 137
Public Management Reform in Thailand
- Sangin Kim (Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs,Korea) / 191
A Comparative Profile of Administrative Cultures and Organizational Effectiveness in Asian Countries: Korea,
Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines
- Chang Kil Lee (Sejong University)  / 229
Appendix: A Collection of Asian Country Reports on
Performance Management
- Edited by OECD Asian Centre for Public Governance  / 267
Biography  / 383

값: 15,000원
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