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센터정보 국제행사 연구발간물 자료실


제 83차 OECD 국제조세세미나 Transfer Pricing 3 - Restructuring and Intangibles (계획)

Transfer Pricing 3 - Restructuring and Intangibles




□ 일정 : 2014.09.15(월)~2014.09.20(토) (장소 : 서울 센터마크호텔)



□ 주제 : Transfer Pricing 3 - Restructuring and Intangibles



□ 예상 참가국 : 아태지역 20개국



□ 주요 내용


The purpose of this event is to discuss in detail some of the more difficult practical and theoretical issues arising in transfer pricing. Items discussed include the latest OECD work on comparability and profit methods, practical case studies on intangibles and business reorganisations. Issues raised by recent transfer pricing court cases will be discussed. Participants are strongly encouraged to provide anonymised case studies in advance of the meeting which can then be used as a basis for discussion at the appropriate point during the event.



Target audience: The event assumes prior knowledge of transfer pricing. Participants should therefore either have attended the Introductory transfer Pricing Event (Transfer Pricing Guidelines) or be experienced transfer pricing auditors or be involved in Competent Authority work. 

제83차 OECD 국제조세세미나 개최 결과 필리핀 재무부 양자협력사업 개최결과