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센터정보 국제행사 연구발간물 자료실


제2차 아ㆍ태지역 사회정책(SOCX) 전문가 회의


 Title: The 2nd Social Experts Meeting in Asia and the Pacific
                (ADB and Joint OECD Korea Policy Centre on Health and Social Policy Conference)
 Dates: Conference: 11 ~ 12 December 2007 / Workshop: 13 December 2007
 Venue: Holiday Inn Seongbuk, Seoul
 Goal: To promote policy dialogue, capacity-building, and information sharing between OECD countries and
          non-OECD countries in the region concerning social accounting/social indicators data and collection methods
 Participating parties: Approx. 58 participants from 32 countries and organisations
 OECD member countries: Korea, Japan
 Non-OECD member countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Chinese Taipei,
      India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldive, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippine, PNG, Sri Lanka,
      Thailand, Uzbekistan
 International Organizations: OECD, ILO, ADB, World Bank, ISSA, GTZ
 National Organization: Ministry of Health and Welfare.

  Programme Summary

 11 December 2007

         1. Welcome Remarks: Mr. Sang-Yong Lee, Ministry of Health and Welfare,
                         Director Cho(OECD Korea Policy Cetnre)
         2. Introduction to the Social Protection Index (SPI): Axel Weber, ADB
         3. Multi-country analysis for 28 countries for which SPI has been calculated, results to be published in 2008:
       Joe Wood, Halcrow, Ltd
 Initial Discussion of the multi-country analysis
         5. National experience with the SPI (Bangladesh/Mongolia)
         6. National experience with the SPI (Nepal/Azerbaijan/Cambodia/China)
         7. SPI Phase II: Findings for selected Pacific countries: Joe Wood, Halcrow, Ltd
         8. Comments by other countries and general discussion

 12 December 2007

         9. Social Indicators (SI) & up-scaling SPI
        - ADB experience and perspective: Axel Weber, ADB
        - OECD experience with SIs and perspective: Willem Adema, OECD
        - Future work on developing SIs for the region: Jongwook Won, Korea
         10. SIs and up-scaling SPI (cont.)
        - ILO experience with social protection statistics and perspective: Florence Bonnet, ILO
        - ISSA experience with social protection statistics and perspective: Theopiste Butare, ISSA
        - General discussion
         11. The Human Development Index: Joe Wood, Halcrow, Ltd
         12. How to use SPI most effectively for poverty reduction, ADB experience: Axel Weber, ADB
         13. What are the most important lessons to take home from the conference?
         14. General discussion
         15. Closing Remarks: Willem Adema, OECD

 13 December 2007

         16. Introduction to the technical workshop: Director Cho,OECD Korea Policy Cetnre
         17. Introduction to the OECD Social Expenditure database (SOCX): Maxime Ladaique, OECD
         18. Introduction to the ILO Social Security Inquiry (SSI): Florence Bonnet, ILO
         19. Overview of new results for Chinese Taipei
         20. SPI data in SOCX format: the case of India: Maxime Ladaique, OECD
         21. SPI data in SSI format: the case of the Maldives: Florence Bonnet, ILO
         22. SPI data in SOCX format: the case of Korea
         23. SPI data in SOCX and SSI format: the case of Sri Lanka
         24. General discussion on the linkages between databases and how SPI data fit into the different frameworks
         25. Plans for future updates: Willem Adema, Florence Bonnet, and Axel Weber


일과 가족 간의 조화: 국제적 관점에서 본 한국 가족정책의 과제 제2차 아ㆍ태지역 연금분야 전문가 회의: 2007년 11월