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Family Database in the Asia-Pacific Region 2022-05-17
The family database in the Asia-Pacific Region 2020-2021 covers data on family outcomes and policies of eleven countries (11: Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam), which allows for cross-national comparison and time analyses across OECD countries.
The database consists of 27 indicators that are useful to gauge changing family trends, such as "Family size and household composition", "Marriage and divorce rates", "Fertility rates", "Life expectancy at birth", "Typology of childcare and early-education services", "Educational attainment by gender", "Usual working hours per week by gender", and "Young people not in education or employment", under four main dimensions: 1) SF: the structure of families, 2) LMF: the labour market position of families, 3) PF: public policies for families and children, and 4) CO: child outcomes.
Below is the complete list of indicators included in the dataset, and you may find the summaries and datasets for each indicator in the attachments:
SF1.1 Family size and household compositionAdobeExcel
SF1.4 Population by age of children and young adults, and youth dependency ratioAdobeExcel
SF2.1 Fertility ratesAdobeExcel
SF2.3 Age of mothers at childbirth and age-specific fertilityAdobeExcel
SF3.1 Marriage and divorce ratesAdobeExcel
SF3.2. Family dissolution and childrenAdobeExcel
LMF1.4 Employment profiles over the life-courseAdobeExcel
LMF2.1 Usual working hours per week by genderAdobeExcel
PF2.1 Key characteristics of parental leave systemsAdobeExcel
PF4.1 Typology of childcare and early-education servicesAdobeExcel
CO1.1 Infant and child mortalityAdobeExcel
CO1.2 Life expectancy at birthAdobeExcel
CO1.3 Low birth weightAdobeExcel
CO1.4 Childhood vaccinationAdobeExcel
CO1.6 Disease-based indicators: Prevalence of diabetes and asthma among childrenAdobeExcel
CO3.1 Educational attainment by genderAdobeExcel
CO3.2 Gender differences in university graduates by fields of studyAdobeExcel
CO3.3 Literacy scores by gender at age 10 AdobeExcel
CO3.4 Literacy scores by gender at age 15 AdobeExcel
CO3.5 Young people not in education or employment AdobeExcel
CO3.6 Percentage of immigrant students and their educational outcomes AdobeExcel
Societal participation
CO4.1 Participation in and membership of groups and organisations for young adultsAdobeExcel