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The 8th Family Policy Experts Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region

1. Overview

Date: November 5 (Tue) – 6 (Wed), 2024

Venue: President Hotel, Seoul

Organizers: OECD Korea Policy Centre, OECD

Participants: 22 experts from 9 Asia-Pacific countries


2. Agenda

Discussion on population changes and low fertility issues in Asia-Pacific and OECD countries

- Projections of the social impacts caused by population changes

- Exploration of policy directions to address population changes and low fertility challenges

- Identification of key challenges and technical issues related to family database collection

- Discussion on improvements and strategies for collaboration in national family database collection and management


3. Summary

The 8th Family Policy Expert Meeting in the Asia-Pacific Region, jointly organized by the OECD Korea Policy Centre and the OECD, was successfully held at the President Hotel in Seoul from November 5 to 6, 2024. Under the theme "Navigating Population Changes and Family Data: Comparative Insights and Policy Innovations."


On the first day, Session 1 introduced population dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on trends and challenges. Presentations included insights on fertility trends in Korea and a review of the draft Society at a Glance Asia-Pacific chapter, addressing fertility issues across the region.

Session 2 featured presentations on population change and fertility trends in Japan and China, offering comparative perspectives on demographic transitions and their implications for family policy development.

Session 3, held across the afternoon of the first day and the morning of the second day, addressed family data collection efforts across Asia-Pacific countries. Presentations examined the progress of family database collection initiatives, key challenges, and technical issues. Experts discussed methodologies, strategies to improve data quality and consistency, and opportunities for international collaboration.


A total of 22 experts from 9 countries—Korea, Singapore, China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Mongolia—participated in the meeting, engaging in meaningful discussions on population changes, family policies, and family data collection initiatives.


4. Photos

The 8th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Network on Access to Medicines Under Universal Health Coverage