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The 10th Public Pension International Training Program in the Asia-Pacific Region


The OECD Korea Policy Centre's Social Policy Division, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the National Pension Service (NPS), and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), hosted the 10th Asia-Pacific Public Pension International Training Program from May 13 (Monday) to May 14 (Tuesday) online, and from May 21 (Tuesday) to May 24 (Friday) in Seoul and Jeonju, for a total of six days.

This training program included lectures on national pension systems and fund-related policies, an on-site visit to the NPS headquarters in Jeonju Innovation City, and an introduction to AI employees. Participants had the opportunity to share their own challenges and issues and to directly experience advanced practices in Korea.

Participants included 12 policymakers and practitioners from five countries: the Philippines (Social Security System), Kazakhstan (United Accumulative Pension Fund JSC), Bhutan (National Pension and Provident Fund), Azerbaijan (State Social Protection Fund), and Kyrgyzstan (The Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic). Through this program, Korea was able to disseminate its knowledge and experience in the expansion, development, and operation of the national pension system.

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