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Workshop 2024-04-09~2024-04-11
Hanoi, Vietnam, 9th April 2024 – The bustling city of Hanoi played host to a dynamic gathering of competition enthusiasts, as the In-country Workshop on Competition Enforcement for New Staff unfolded. Against the backdrop of Vietnam’s rich cultural heritage, participants delved into the intricacies of competition law, sharing experiences, and charting a course for effective enforcement.
The workshop kicked off with anticipation and camaraderie. Distinguished guests, including a Senior Representative from VCC, Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi (Senior Competition Expert, OECD), and Mr. Hotae Kim (Director General, OECD KPC Competition Programme), graced the opening session. Their words resonated with the promise of learning and collaboration.
Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi took the stage, unraveling the fabric of competition policy and enforcement. Her eloquence painted a vivid picture of the challenges faced by case handlers worldwide. From anti-cartel measures to abuse of dominance, the canvas expanded, revealing the intricate dance between market forces and regulatory vigilance.
The morning buzzed with anticipation as Ms. Madeleine Karipidis, Director at the Competition Division’s Competition Enforcement, Coordination & Strategy Branch (ACCC, Australia), stepped forward. Her presentation dissected cartels—the clandestine alliances that undermine fair competition. Legal grounds, investigative techniques, and procedural nuances danced across the screen. Participants leaned in, absorbing every nugget of wisdom.
Mr. Alex Wong, Acting Head (Investigations II) at the Competition Commission of Hong Kong, shared battle-tested strategies. His voice resonated with practicality as he unraveled the art of handling cartel cases. The room buzzed with questions, case studies, and shared experiences. The coffee break was too short; minds raced, fueled by caffeine and curiosity.
Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi returned, this time dissecting the notion of dominance. The room hushed as she explored relevant markets, market power, and the fine line between exclusionary and exploitative conduct. Case handlers scribbled notes, their pens racing to capture insights that would shape their enforcement journeys.
Mr. Adam Mendel (US Federal Trade Commission) and Mr. Kohei Hasegawa (Japan Fair Trade Commission) tag-teamed on merger reviews. Procedural intricacies—notifications, requests for information—came alive. The room absorbed their wisdom, recognizing that mergers were more than corporate unions; they were seismic shifts in market dynamics.
The afternoon sun bathed the workshop venue as participants embarked on a cultural tour. Amid ancient temples and bustling markets, conversations flowed. The scent of pho mingled with discussions on market definition and competitive effects. The workshop had transcended its walls, seeping into the vibrant streets of Hanoi.
As the workshop drew to a close, certificates were awarded, and applause echoed. Ms. Alessandra Tonazzi and Mr. Hotae Kim stood side by side, their smiles reflecting the success of the endeavor. New friendships forged, knowledge exchanged, and a shared commitment to fair competition ignited hearts.
The In-country Workshop on Competition Enforcement for New Staff had sown seeds of competence. Case handlers departed, armed with insights, connections, and a renewed sense of purpose. Hanoi’s ancient walls whispered their stories, now interwoven with the promise of a fairer, more competitive world.