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Forum 2020-09-04~2020-09-04
The OECD Korea Policy Centre & OECD Public Governance Directorate are pleased to invite you to the
Asia Public Governance Forum on Managing the COVID-19 Crisis
4 September 2020
This virtual forum will bring together government risk managers, academics and stakeholders in crisis management and risk governance to discuss:
- Success factors in managing the crisis
- Capabilities gaps and needs for reform
- Communication with the public
- Involvement of youth organisations in crisis and risk management
Please see the attached agenda for further details. We hope that you will be able to participate.
This event will take place on Zoom; kindly pre-register here to obtain login details
For further information, please contact Jack Radisch (jack.radisch@oecd.org) or Grace Lee (grace@oecdkorea.org).
N.B. This meeting will be recorded for note-taking purposes.