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Expert Meeting 2017-11-17~2017-11-17
The OECD Korea Policy Centre (Tax Programme) and the International Fiscal Association have co-hosted the joint international tax conference in Seoul, Korea on 17th of November in 2017. It was mainly focused on the revised version of the Model Tax Convention and selected issues of the BEPS project.
More than 70 Experts from various countries and organizations have participated in this event showing how the BEPS project has been considered as the worldwide project. In the opening ceremony, two representative from the OECD Korea Policy Centre and the IFA Korea have made speeches to emphasize the importance of this conference and highlight the development of the BEPS project.
Mr. David Jinyoung Lee, Chair of IFA Koreaa
Mr. Choonho Park, the Director General from the OECD Korea Policy Centre
Presentation on the recent issues of the BEPS project has been made by David Partington, senior advisor from the OECD secretariat, and Michael Kiesewetter from Germany. Also, active discussion were followed and participants shared their views on the Principal Purpose Test and Tax Treaty issues.
David Partington, Senior Advisor from OECD
Michael Kieswetter from Germnay
Here are the two main topics discussed during the seminar
- The role and application of the Principal Purpose Test (PPT)
- Adoption of the Multilateral Convention to implement tax treaty related measures to prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
Overall, participants and experts have given the opportunities to broaden their views and understand challenges faced by different sectors. Accordingly, everyone has agreed upon how the cooperation between these sectors have been highlighted in order to counter the BEPS.