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Expert Meeting 2017-09-26~2017-09-27
ㅁ Title: The 4th Meeting on Access to Medicines under Universal Health Coverage in the Asia Pacific Region
ㅁ Date: 26 - 27 September 2017
ㅁ Venue: Kensington Yoido Hotel, Seoul, Korea
ㅁ Hosted by OECD KOREA Policy Centre (Health and Social Policy Programme), OECD, WHO WPRO, WHO Collaborating Centre (at SNU)
ㅁ Participation: 52 persons
ㅇ Medicines experts from the Asia Pacific countries
ㅇ International organizations: OECD, WHO, WHO WPRO, WHO SEARO, UNDP, ADB
Programme Summary
Please refer to the attached reflet.