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Expert Meeting 2016-11-29~2016-12-01
From 29th November to 1st December in 2016, Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of the Inclusive Framework on the BEPS Implementation has been held in Manila, Philippines. The meeting was co-organized by the OECD, the ADB, in partnership with the OECD Korea Policy Centre.
The meeting was attended by 50 participants, including delegates from 16 countries and representatives from international organizations. The main subjects of the meeting has been mainly focused on the following topics
- The organization of the Inclusive Framework on the BEPS and the implementation of the BEPS package
- Open session for business and civil society
- Latest developments on Forum on Harmful Tax Practices and latest discussions in the area of transfer pricing and related standard setting work within working party 6
- Discussions on countries’ priorities and on their specific capacity building needs, including the framework of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax
- The developments in the area of toolkits on comparable, on transfer pricing documentation and on indirect transfer of assets
Participants have expressed concern at the lack of political awareness of the Inclusive Framework on the BEPS among parliamentarians and commended the increasing engagement of the OECD with parliamentary associations and encouraged action in the Asian region.
The meeting has been concluded by noting the significance and effectiveness of the Regional component of the Inclusive Framework and it was agreed to plan further activities of the Asian Regional Meeting on the BEPS Inclusive Framework in 2017.